
The important dets:
Director: Anthony C. Ferrante
Genres: , , , ,
Year Released: 2013
Metacritic Rating: 6.1/10
Mediocre Movies Rating: 20 / 35 Flying Shark Heads


10 creatives sat in a room and said,

“Right, so now that climate change is trending, how can we capitalise on this and what is the worst case scenario that could possibly arise?”

“Ohhh I know”

“Sharks. Sharks. Lot’s of sharks. Everybody is scared of sharks. But just imagine… if they were in a TORNADO”.

Extreme weather in California bring together 6 friends, who must work together as a bad rain storm turns into a killer tornado. The sheer strength of the tornardo turns shark infected waters into a shark infected tornado so the group must make way to safer shelter.

On the journey away from the storm, lives are saved and lives are lost. Only the most bold can survive sharks flying through the air.

Sharknado is the first of five films from the greatest, and worst, B-Grade Sci franchises to hit our screens.

Watch this mediocre movie if… You are a sucker for sci-fi and thrills so cheesy it hurts. Get your friends together with popcorn and sugary snacks and sit back for a hungover day of entertainment. You will be sure to forget about last nights regrets and care less about your mistakes, because in the end we’ll all just be eaten up by climatic crisis, right?